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The Great Adventure Challenge is a corporate challenge like no other!


Our CFOA KPMG team is taking part in The Great Adventure Challenge this year to raise funds for the Starlight Children's Foundation. The Victoria challenge will take place in November this year and will be made up of corporate teams competing with a focus on camaraderie, teamwork and (worryingly for our team) is as much about navigation as it is about fitness.


Our multi-talented team of five guys and three girls will be taking on a course of up to 70km across a range of disciplines including trail running, mountain biking, kayaking and mystery tasks that won't be revealed until the day of the challenge. Of course, the most important challenge of the day will be the rock-paper-scissors qualifying event, to determine who is going to do which leg.


We are asking for sponsors to support us because Starlight is an amazing cause. Most of the children and young people Starlight support will live with their illness all their lives. Starlight provides programs integral to the total care of seriously ill children - while health professionals focus on treating the illness, Starlight is there to lift the spirits of the child, giving them the opportunity to laugh, play and be a child again.

Starlight also grants wishes to seriously ill children, a special, once-in-a-lifetime experience that brings a family together, with life impacting benefits. By sponsoring a Starlight Wish you can give a seriously ill child a beacon of hope and a chance to fulfil their own individual dream, a unique experience that creates precious memories to be treasured by the whole family, forever.


Our target of $20,000 will fund three Starlight wishes and will help to fund activity programs in children's hospitals. The extra added bonus is that the more funds we raise, the more time credits we receive on the day of the Great Adventure Challenge. Given that our team includes someone who can't swim, and several people who can't read a map, we are seriously in need of those time credits. So please, dig deep, support this great cause, and save us from the embarrassment of finishing last.


Please help us, support Starlight, to support the kids.


The Team


Paul Winter (Team Captain) – mistakenly volunteered for the Starlight Challenge when he mis-read the details and thought it meant he could be Captain Starlight for the day. Rumours that he will be completing the Great Adventure Challenge in purple tights are currently unfounded. 


Heath Preston - Used to play backyard cricket with Australian Twenty20 captain George Bailey.


Alex Gough - 5 time day 5 time night corporate challenge winner.


Matt Muscat - perhaps the prototype of the modern corporate challenger, sleek, skilful and slippery, one of the bona fide stars of the competition.


Josh Douglas - began his career as an extra in the music video for Christina Aguilera’s “Genie in a Bottle” and is married to Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas. Or that might be another Josh.


Caroline Jacobsson - has recently admitted to being able to read a map, which means the entire team is now relying on her to get us to the end of the course.


Dee Tully - regularly runs a half marathon before breakfast. 


Caroline Humphreys - can't swim, hasn't ridden a bike since she was 12, but does have a shiny new pair of trail running shoes.


 Support Crew


 Tanya Rajendra - Architect of the CFOA Fundraising Strategy (who knew there are so many different ways to fundraise)


Kanika Gupta- Smart enough to volunteer to help the Starlight organisers on the event day - all the good feelings of helping a great cause and not a kayak in sight.



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    Starlight Children's Foundation

    The Starlight Children’s Foundation transforms the experience of hospitalisation and treatment for seriously ill children and their families - Starlight  is the only children’s charity with a permanent, physical presence in every major paediatric hospital in the country.

    Every minute of every day a child is admitted to hospital in Australia. For thousands of these children what happens next is the diagnosis of a serious or chronic illness that changes their life, and the lives of their families, forever.

    This is where Starlight steps in - delivering a range of innovative programs, built on the World Health Organisation’s social model of health, to support the well-being and resilience of these seriously ill children and their families.

    Starlight programs are integral to the total care of seriously ill children - while the health professionals focus on treating the illness, Starlight is there to lift the spirits of the child - giving them the opportunity to laugh and play and be a child again.

    For more information on Starlight, visit or call 1300 727 827.

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